Christopher Hoadley

Brief Biography

Dr. Chris Hoadley is a professor and director of the UB Institute for Learning Sciences at the University at Buffalo of the State University of New York (SUNY). He has over 45 years experience designing and building educational technology, and has researched connections between technology, learning, and collaboration for over 35 years. His research focuses on collaborative technologies, computer support for cooperative learning (CSCL), and design-based research methods, a term he coined in the late 1990s. Hoadley founded the dolcelab, the Laboratory for Design Of Learning, Collaboration & Experience. He is a fellow of the International Society for the Learning Sciences (ISLS) and was an affiliate scholar for the National Academy of Engineering's Center for the Advancement of Scholarship in Engineering Education (CASEE). Hoadley was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship in the South Asia Regional Research program to study educational technologies for sustainability and empowerment in rural Himalayan villages in 2008-2009. From 2011-2013, he was program director of the Educational Technology programs at NYU and founding program director of the Games for Learning program, and on the founding faculty presidium of MAGNET, the NYU Media And Games Network. From 2013-2016, he was on loan to the National Science Foundation as the program director in charge of the Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies program in the Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering and the Directorate of Education and Human Resources Division of Research on Learning.

Other interests include research on and through design, systems for supporting social capital and distributed intelligence, the role of informatics and digital libraries in education, and science and engineering education. Hoadley previously chaired the American Educational Research Association's Special Interest Group for Education in Science and Technology (now SIG: Learning Sciences), and served as the co-founder and first president of the International Society for the Learning Sciences. Hoadley earned his baccalaureate in cognitive science from MIT, and a masters in computer science and doctorate in education from UC Berkeley. He previously taught at Stanford University, Mills College, Penn State University, and New York University in education, design, computer science, and information sciences, and has authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications and presentations.

©2004-2022 Christopher Hoadley.
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