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Christopher Hoadley


I work in a field called the learning sciences (I previously served as president of the International Society for the Learning Sciences). I am serving as a Fulbright Scholar in India and Nepal for the 2008-2009 school year, and when I return begin a post as an associate professor of Educational Communications and Technology at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. I recently left Penn State University where I held a joint appointment between two programs:

You can view my old homepage, or the "official" university homepage for me. Note that the Curriculum Vitae and the Publications Page in my old site are slightly more up to date than the rest. My up-to-date CV and pubs are available above in PDF form only.

IMPORTANT: To locate me in emergency, contact the dolcelab assistant at helpme @ I will be basically unavailable during the 2008-2009 school year in order to complete my Fulbright obligations.

My Research

DolceLab: Design of Learning, Collaboration, & Experience

I direct the dolcelab (Design of Learning, Collaboration, & Experience). The dolcelab studies the interconnections between design, learning, technology, and collaboration. Foci include empirical studies of design, design as a research method (design-based research, a term I coined in the mid 1990s), designing with and for collaboration, and technology-mediated learning in socio-technical systems (CSCL).

Active projects

Prior projects

On Design-Based Research Methods (DBRM)

Design-Based Research Collective logo
The contingency of artificial phenomena has always created doubts as to whether they fall properly within the compass of science. Sometimes these doubts are directed at the... difficulty of disentangling prescription from description. This seems to me not to be the real difficulty. The genuine problem is to show how empirical propositions can be made at all about systems that, given different circumstances, might be quite other than they are.
— Herb Simon
The conjunction of problematic and determinate characters in nature renders every existence, as well as every idea and human act, an experiment in fact, even though not in design. To be intelligently experimental is but to be conscious of this intersection of natural conditions so as to profit by it instead of being at its mercy.
— John Dewey
...the intervention is the outcome (or at least an outcome) in an important sense.
Design-Based Research Collective (DBRC)

Bits and Pieces

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Copyright © 2002-18 Christopher Hoadley. Last updated 21 March 2018.